
The conference platform will be open until July 30

2021-07-12 11:56
On June 28-30, the I International Conference ‘History, culture and heritage of Jews in Belarus across the age’ was held online. We are happy and proud of what we achieved through this conference, that it has generated such high interest and engagement from the public. We had about 700 registrations during the conference, and we continue to receive grateful feedback on the organization and the content. 

We are glad to announce that the conference platform will be open until July 30. Therefore you still have time to (re)watch the recording of each day (go to the 'Programme' page of each day), read the paper abstracts (in 'Materials') and additional relevant information in the "general chat" on the right side.


The conference has become a unique platform for discussing what is special about the history of Jews in Belarus. It will bring together senior specialists and young researchers from Eastern Europe and other parts of the world to evaluate the latest findings on all aspects of the history, culture and heritage of Jews in Belarus, including the emergence of a distinctive Belarusian-Jewish identity. 

The scientific committee was composed of the world-renowned specialists Elissa Bempoard, Arakdii Zeltser, Mikhail Krutikov, Magdalena Waligorska, Alexander Ivanov, Shaul Stampfer, Maria Kaspina and Claire Le Foll. The programme included panels on art, pre-revolutionary history, ethnography, heritage, Holocaust, interwar period, language and literature. Two roundtables on heritage challenges and priorities and the identity of Jews in and from Belarus has taken place.

Organized by Belarusian-Jewish Cultural Heritage Center, in collaboration with University of Southampton and Goethe-Institute in Belarus.

With the support of the German Minister of Foreign Affairs (Eastern partnership program), Parkes Institute (University of Southampton), British Embassy in Belarus, Israel Embassy in Belarus, Polish Institute in Belarus and European Humanities University.
Curated by Claire Le Foll (University of Southampton) and Maya Katznelson (Belarusian-Jewish Cultural Heritage Center).